It’s Laser Season! Intro To Our Sciton Lasers ⚡️

Embrace Laser Season with Sciton's Best-in-Class Treatments at Rejuvenations ✨

Winter is the perfect time to refresh and rejuvenate your skin, and what better way than with Sciton’s state-of-the-art laser technology! Ideal for anyone seeking both pre-rejuvenation and rejuvenation, our Sciton laser treatments offer unparalleled results.

🔹 Halo: Experience the Halo glow! This hybrid fractional laser targets skin damage at various depths, effectively reducing signs of aging, sun damage, and improving overall skin tone and texture. With Halo, achieve a luminous complexion with minimal downtime.

🔹 Moxi: Perfect for those seeking a gentler approach or 'prejuvenation' care, Moxi is a non-ablative laser that refreshes and revitalizes your skin, keeping it looking young and vibrant. It’s ideal for maintaining skin health and preventing early signs of aging.

🔹 BBL / BBL HERO / BBL BARE: BroadBand Light therapy takes skin treatment to the next level. From correcting sun damage, freckles, and age spots to skin firming and hair reduction, BBL’s versatility is unmatched. The BBL HERO offers faster, more comfortable treatments, while BBL BARE is superb for hair reduction, providing smooth, hairless skin.

Winter, with its reduced sun exposure, is the ideal time to undergo laser treatments, ensuring optimal healing and effectiveness. Say goodbye to covering up and hello to showing off your radiant skin!

Start your journey to flawless skin today. Book your Sciton laser treatment this winter and reveal your most beautiful self at Rejuvenations Medical Spa.


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